Jss College of Arts and Commerce
Gundlupete, Karnataka-571111



Introduction: –

National Service Scheme is a community service programme sponsored by the Government of India, financed by the Central and the State govt. and implemented by the Colleges through the Universities. NSS Unit in our college is started from the academic year 1985-86, since its inception the unit is putting its effort to make its volunteers to involve to achieve the objectives of NSS to greater extent. Prof. Mahadevappa M, Prof. of Geography was the first NSS Programme officer of our College. At present 100 volunteers are enrolled in the academic year 2022-23 for the NSS Unit and Sri Sampathu, Prof. of History, has taken charge as NSS Programme Officer. The unit is undertaking many activities like cleaning the campus, Social awareness activities, planting around the sapling campus and in th adopted Village, creating awareness about heritage monuments and sites, awareness on basic health and hygiene, and government referred surveys etc.

Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the National Service Scheme are to arouse in the student social conscience in the student and to provide him the following opportunities.

  1. To work with the people
  2. To engage in creative and constructive social action
  3. To enhance his/her knowledge of himself/herself and the community
  4. To put his knowledge to practical use in finding solution to the problems
  5. To develop a sense of dignity of labour
  6. To gain skill in the exercise of democratic leadership
  7. To gain skills to enable him for self-employed
  8. To bridge the gap between the educated and the uneducated masses
  9. To promote the will to serve the weaker section of the community.
  10. To promote communal harmony and national integration

Terms in NSS

A student enrolled in NSS is expected to put in at least 120 hours of service during an academic year and shall be entitled to get a certificate from the University on completion of 2 years term i.e., 240 hours and attending at least one college camp.


It is suggested that out of 120 hours of social service, which each student is expected to put in during the academic year at least 20 hours will be used in the first year for orientation programme in the following manner:

General Orientation – 2 hours

Specific Orientation – 8 hours

Programme skill learning – 10 hours

The orientation programme will be developed and organised by a team of teachers in collaboration with expertise persons of the field.


In order to ensure continuity of work Vis-a-Vis sustained action. Evaluation and follow up works, each NSS Unit may adopt a Village slum. This could be done in consultation with the local authorities. The area should, however, be within the easy reach of the students.


A variety of programmes, depending upon the local needs, resources and skills, may be taken up by the NSS Unit in the adopted areas (The students Will however, be free to render service in other areas also). Some of the programmes are enumerated below:


  • Literacy programme for adults and drop outs should be compulsory programme. Under the scheme of Mass Programme of Functional Literacy (MPFL), at least, 50% of the volunteers should be involved in the programme.
  • Organising NSS Library by collecting text books and other useful books for the benefit of NSS volunteers.
  • Construction of inexpensive school buildings including Balwadis and Adult Education Centres (NSS funds should not be spent on materials etc).
  • Cultural and recreational programmes for the community including use of mass media for instruction and recreation, programmes of singing, etc.
  • Organisation of Youth Clubs and promotion of indigenous
  • Programme including discussions and propagation of eradication of social evils like casteism, communalism, regionalism, corruption, adulteration, hoarding, profiteering, untouchability, drug-addiction etc.


The main emphasis should be on the participation of students in planning and working with the people to overcome their handicaps and to assist the local authorities in relief and rehabilitation work n the wake of natural calamities like cyclone, floods, earthquake, etc. The suggested programmes are

  • Assisting the authorities in distribution of rations, medicines, clothes, etc.
  • Assistance to   the health authorities in inoculation, immunisation, etc.
  • Work with the local people in construction of their huts. Cleaning of wells, building roads, etc.
  • Assistance to the local authorities in actual relief and rescue work.
  • Collection of funds, clothes and other materials and sending
    the same to the affected areas.

i. Preservation and beautification of monuments and creating consciousness among the people about the preservation of our cultural heritage.
ii. Environment sanitation and disposal of garbage composting.
ii. Construction of roads, village streets, drains, etc. so as to keep the     environment clean.
iv. Construction of cheap latrines, urinals etc.
v. Cleaning of village ponds and wells.
vi. Creating of Grow More Trees consciousness.
vii. Plantation of trees – their protection
vii. Prevention of soil erosion and work for soil conservation.
ix. Popularisation and setting up of Gobar Gas Plants.

i. Programmes of mass immunisation.
ii. Working with people in nutrition programmes.
iii. Provisions of safe and clean drinking water.
iv. Integrated Child Development Programme.
v. Health education and preliminary health care work including medico-social surveys, detecting cases of medical aid to the suffering, etc.
vi. Population Education and Family Welfare.
vii. Assistance in organising medical check-up, Eye Camp etc.

i. Working with people, explaining and teaching them improved agricultural practices.
ii. Rodent control and pest management.
iii. Weed control
iv. Soil testing, soil health care and soil   conversation
v. Work for the promotion and strengthening of co-operatives in villages/slums.
vi. Assistance and guidance in poultry farming, animal husbandry, animal health, etc.


  • Work in hospitals, e.g., serving as ward visitors to cheer up the patients, help the patients to be more comfortable, recreation programmes for the patients providing old magazines, weeklies etc. for patients; letter-writing and reading for patients, follow-up help to patients discharged from hospitals through visits to their homes and places of work, assistance in running of dispensaries etc.
  • Work with the organisations of child welfare.
  • Work in institutions for the physically handicapped and the mentally – retarded.
  • Work in Cheshire homes, orphanages, homes for the aged:
  • Work in welfare organisations of women.



  • Comprehensive programmes of educating women and making them aware of their rights both constitutional and legal.
  • Creating consciousness among women that they too can contribute to economic and social well – being of the
  • Imparting training to Women in sewing, embroidery, knitting
    and other skills, wherever possible.

This is only an illustrate list of the type of activities that can be undertaken. It is left to each NSS Unit to undertake one or more of these programmes or any other activity which may seem desirable to them according to local needs and resources.

The NSS Units should aim at the integrated development of the area selected for their operation, which could be a village or urban slum. It has also to be ensured that at least a part of the programme does involve manual work by the volunteers. These programmes may be taken up in the camps also.

    a) The candidate must possess a Mysore University Degree,
    b) Completing 2 years under NSS with attending at least one College Camp during Degree Course – 25 points
    a) Participation in additional College Camp, irrespective of the number of such additional camps participated. – 2 points
    b) Participation in the District Level Camps, irrespective of the number of such additional camps participated. – 3 points
    c) Participation in Inter-Collegiate Camp, irrespective of number of such additional camps participated (University Selection Camps not to be considered as Inter-Collegiate Camp) – 5 points
    d) Participation in the State Level NSS Camp / Festival, irrespective of the number of such additional camps participated. – 5 points
    e) Participation in Zone Level Camp, irrespective of the number of such additional camps participated Participation in National Inter-University Camp(National Integration Camp etc.,), irrespective of the number of such additional camps participated – 8 points
    g). Blood Donation (for each time, subject to maximum of 3 times) – 3+3+3 points
    h) Participation in National Republic Day Parade – 15 points
    i) The Best NSS volunteer of University – 20 points

Maximum points – 100 points